This is our Canada: Pragmatic, United, and Proud. As a Liberal voter, this is what I want from my party. Can they deliver?
As a Liberal voter, I believe Canada is at a crossroads. The world is changing rapidly, and our nation needs leaders who understand the complexities of the global economy, value the diverse fabric of our society, and are unafraid to face challenges head-on.
Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney is a dynamic duo of intellect, pragmatism, and vision. Together, they epitomise the leadership Canada needs to thrive. Whichever one wins the leadership, they must bring the other onboard.
Freeland and Carney are businesspeople, money people, and, most importantly, people who know how to get things done. Their experience in finance and governance equips them to navigate the economic uncertainties we face.
As someone who votes Liberal, I want leaders who think big, act boldly, and never lose sight of what matters: the people of Canada.
Protecting Our Rights and Values
First and foremost, voting Liberal under this team means I will never have to worry about abortion rights being stripped away. Women’s rights, diversity, inclusivity, and equality must never become political bargaining chips. Freeland and Carney understand that these aren’t a fad or a checkbox – it’s the cornerstone of who we are. It’s what gives Canada strength, innovation, and heart.
These are leaders who won’t let that slip away.
Investing in Canada’s Future
Canada needs investment – real, pragmatic, and bold investment. Freeland and Carney know how to direct funds where they’ll make the most impact. From strengthening our military to investing in technology, mitigating climate change, and building green economies, they see the bigger picture.
They’re leaders who recognise that every dollar spent should benefit the future of our people, our environment, and our economy.
Housing affordability, for example, isn’t just a crisis – it’s a litmus test of how much we value our citizens. It’s time to make housing accessible to all Canadians.
It’s just as important to protect our water and natural resources, not just for today but for generations to come. These are not optional goals; they are the foundation of a thriving nation.
Freeland and Carney have the expertise to make these investments count.
A Pragmatic Approach to Business and Trade
Canada’s economy needs a boost. We need to open up industries, fight unjust tariffs, and sell our products to the highest bidder. Under Freeland and Carney’s leadership, I believe we’ll see a stronger Canada on the global stage – one that aligns with countries that respect us and sees the value we bring. These two understand business, and they understand the importance of protecting Canada’s brand.
It’s about time we marketed who we are: a nation of resilience, innovation, and unity.
A Commitment to Food Security, Sustainability and Indigenous Rights
Freeland and Carney will bring the same respect for science and pragmatism to food security as they do to the economy. They understand the importance of aquaculture, protein farming, and agriculture and what it means to be food-secure – for Canadians now and for generations far into the future.
With their leadership, I trust they will invest in making Canada a global leader in sustainable food production, using our natural resources wisely, pragmatically, and sustainably.
They will respect the autonomy of First Nations within their territories while making sure every Indigenous child in Canada has the same rights, protections, and opportunities as any other Canadian.
This is the kind of leadership that will build a stronger Canada, while bringing every Canadian forward and upward.

Transparency, Accountability, and Unity
Good governance isn’t just about managing money; it’s about cleaning up corruption, ensuring transparency, and creating watchdog groups to hold corporations accountable.
It’s about making equality between men and women a reality – not just a talking point.
Freeland and Carney bring the kind of sharp pragmatism that’s needed to root out the crooks, cut the red tape, and create systems that truly serve the people.
Protecting Canadians and Restoring Patriotism
As a voter, I also want to feel safe and secure in my community.
It’s time to bring back an updated version of beat cops to foster trust and keep our streets safe, install CCTV for accountability, and take a firm stance against any group or ideology that undermines fairness or pushes others out of advancement.
Freeland and Carney have the strength and vision to tackle the deeply rooted issues affecting Canadians today, including the drug crisis and homelessness. By investing in programs that address root causes, by expanding access to mental health care, and by cleaning up corrupt NGOs.
This is the work, and so much more, that needs to be done so those afflicted by mental health issues, and abject poverty can have a fighting chance to survive, and thrive.
Our justice system must be streamlined to address court backlogs, so victims see justice, and criminals face timely consequences. Freeland and Carney understand that addressing systemic issues also means cleaning up corruption within the RCMP and overhauling outdated systems embedded with racism and fear.
By creating a culture of accountability and trust, they can rebuild confidence in our institutions and ensure that every Canadian is treated equally under the law.
Healthcare is another pressing issue – Canadians need more doctors, nurses, and specialists now, not years down the road. Now.
Freeland and Carney understand the urgency of revitalising our healthcare system to make it efficient, accessible, and prepared for whatever the future has in store for us.
Above all of this, they will protect working people by ensuring fair wages, secure jobs, and the right to unionise without fear.
Unity and patriotism is what we need right now. On a national level, resonating from small communities to massive cities. We must remember that the very gift of being a Canadian, or Canadian to be, is like winning a lottery.
Freeland and Carney have the ability to foster that pride and remind us that we are stronger together. I hope they keep that message loud and clear in perpetuity.
A Vision of Hope and Opportunity
Ultimately, this is about hope.
Hope that Canadians can get back to work.
Hope that our industries will flourish.
Hope that our leaders will be pragmatic about everything – from climate change to trade to social policies.
Hope that our people, regardless of background, can dream big and see those dreams come to life.
Freeland and Carney are leaders who understand that governing isn’t just about running the numbers – it’s about investing in our lives, our hopes, and our opportunities. It’s about protecting the values that make Canada special while embracing the innovation and boldness that will carry us forward.
This is our Canada: Pragmatic, United, and Proud.
As a Liberal voter, this is what I want from my party.
Can they deliver? We will have to wait and see what their platform promises…
…hopefully it will not be anything like America’s politics, where politicians sling dirt at each other, wallow in revenge-politics and defense-politics, and seems to be backsliding down a mountain of their own excrement, as they crash right back into the stone ages.