This is our Canada: Pragmatic, United, and Proud. As a Liberal voter, this is what I want from my party. Can they deliver? As a Liberal voter, I believe Canada is at a crossroads. The world is changing rapidly, and our nation needs leaders who understand the complexities of the …
The price they paid for their journey. The rich and the poor paid with money, and their lives, but it is how living society reacted in the aftermath that makes my blood boil. One child died in the Atlantic Ocean Misadventure that cost 250,000 dollars Spare change to the rich …
Ethno-Tourism and Narratives of Colonization: A Comparative Analysis of Two Southern Alberta Museums. By Natasha McLeod What is Ethno-tourism? Ethno-tourism is a relatively new concept in the ever-expanding global tourism market. A brief internet search of the term will result in a variety of hits, ranging from adventure and eco …